Fixed an exploit related to using chairs underwater.Fixed collision to prevent building base inside mesh at Kaels Stronghold.Fixed collision to prevent building base inside mountain at Sillway base.Walls in the Volcano dungeon should no longer be climbable.You can no longer place foundations on Lore Tablets.Optimized camera state machine to reduce overhead on dedicated servers.Reduced update frequency for expensive physics functions to improve server performance.Fixed and issue with the carousel causing the game to crash.Modified update frequency for different actor types to improve server performance.Optimized spawn code to be more performant.Optimized stamina code which improves server performance.Put your hands together for Irniz of the Furnace who now remembers how to make Epic Flawless Zamorian armor.Crimson Lotus Powder can now be used in the grinder.You can now mute players using the Player List.Much facederp removed (Unique NPC’s should no longer look as if their mother and father were brother and sister).Shields have been adjusted and provide much more armor.Fixed a bug where humanoid NPCs (including skeletons) would do more damage on you in their first attack than any other attack.Adjusting the harvest amount multiplier no longer affects how many skeleton keys you receive from bosses.Garden areas in the volcano zone now apply Noxious Gas debuff.

You can now spawn in quest items using the admin panel.Human NPCs no longer get stuck after throwing one javelin/orb.Fixed a problem where players could sometimes be removed from the clan between logins.Durability bars are now color coded depending on the item type.Dying while offline will no longer respawn you in the desert with wrong hunger/thirst values.Fixed an issue where your dead body would sometimes be invisible, even when standing right on the death marker.Fixed a case where corpses weren’t appearing upon launching the game.

Light Armor Journey bug is fixed! No, really, it is.Conan Exiles Update 1.18 Changelog for PS4 General Highlights Today’s Conan Exiles patch 1.18 is expected to all these issues.

Unfortunately, since this patch, many players were experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Recently, a major update was released which added fixes for exploits, thralls, decay and more. It’s possible to lead to some slightly odd builds that can have some placeables disappear. The game devs have unified them to be the same size, and tested to make sure things shouldn’t fall down or disappear from them.

In addition, Conan Exiles version 1.18 patch will have collision changes on wall-shaped building pieces and the triangle foundations (all tiers). According to the Conan Exiles 1.18 changelog, the latest update contains a big list of fixes and changes. Conan Exiles update 1.18 is now rolling out for players on PlayStation 4.